PinnedAN ETHICAL SOCIETYrespects the consumer, as its source of commerce, wealth, and the market place. Many people like the assassinated CEO of the largest health…Dec 8, 20241Dec 8, 20241
PinnedIT’S THE DEMOCRACY THIS TIMEThe people of America may repeat the actions of the people in Germany in 1933, the rich, the poor, the indifferent, the masses, looked the…Oct 1, 20241Oct 1, 20241
PinnedWHAT ARE TRUMP’S POLICIES?He’s going to stop income tax on tips. He’s going to stop his trials, stay out of jail. He’s going to stop the IRS from hiring too many tax…Aug 20, 20241Aug 20, 20241
PinnedTRUMP DODGES A BULLETPeople with access to assault rifles. That’s an easy one to solve. A consequence of availability. Pass sensible gun laws.Jul 14, 20242Jul 14, 20242
PinnedOH WELLRaising interest rates raises inflation in the economy. Depressed demand caused by raised interest rates brings down inflation by putting…Mar 23, 2023Mar 23, 2023
A CHAOS REGIMEa society elected itself into, voted for it. It’s a ridiculous scenario. The fearless leader has all of the players of consequence in his…1d ago21d ago2
AUTOCRACY RISINGThe Greater Israel Program, Solomon’s Kingdom returned to reality with the demolition of Gaza, the ethnic cleansing of the rest of the…2d ago12d ago1
SPANKING AMERICAFor the drugs and the migrants that have come here through the Northern and Southern borders, Trump is putting tariffs on goods used by…4d ago14d ago1