Harley Creel
Sep 12, 2021



Enemies. Without them where do the war machines, hegemony, dominion, national corporate socialisms, keep the runs they are on running? Enemies are required.

Listen to the media, the beat goes on, they’re going to sneak out of Afghanistan, elsewhere, and attack the homeland, terrorists.

The power trip America is on, the policy of the ruling class, is what it has been since 2001, and the failed colonial adventures by infidel crusaders since then have resulted in the world as it is manifest today.

Power tripping nations know each other very well, what none of these people in power have picked up on is that the real battle is with extinction, from military madness, or climate chaos.

End the endless wars, the search for enemies, for power and profit, humans.




Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.