Today, talked with the clerk at the grocery store. She has no idea there is a problem with voting rights, vote suppression, in the USA. She thinks voting rights are important, hasn’t heard of a problem with the franchise.
A Congressional coup in 2022 seems prescient, based on present circumstances, intransigence among the political class, the old guard, Biden’s DNC coalition, and the success of the autocrats in the Trump coalition in rigging the next election process.
The Trump coalition has the momentum, like Hitler did in 1932, the Biden coalition is weak, like the fading Weimar coalition in 1932.
Hitler’s lies won, Trump’s lies are winning, the most honest election in US history, the election of 2020, the subject of lies perpetrated by craven seditionists, successfully.
Voting rights are about to be prescribed in 2022, that is the plan, install a perpetual oligarchy of the white power kind in 2022. Enjoy insurrection day, tomorrow, 1/6/22.