United States of Amnesia, 1/12/20
There was the appointed President, Bush 2, the don’t count the votes in Florida because of the “equal protection clause” in 2000. Then 9/11 in 2001 and the Arabs with the boxcutter story, although only three skyscrapers in history have been melted into pites of molten metal; they’re designed to withstand plane crashes, have an exoskeleton, steel girders. Then Afghanistan, Osama in the Afghan cave, then Iraq, the wmds, many innocent civilians killed. Iraq lived with a so called dictator, Saddam, that you supported to kill a million Iranians, supplied the gas to kill the Kurds. How was he their fault?
The wars have been on for going on twenty years and it’s always somebody else’s fault. Now Iran, and it’s their fault they live in an authoritarian government, you have tacitly declared war on with the assassination, a public official visiting Iraq to arrange possible talks with the Saudis, fake news has reported.
American people, did the Germans have a clue in 1932, you do.