Turnout determines elections.
Trump nation believes in Trump, many of the insurrectionists in Congress are feeling good about their prospects. Many White Americans fear being replaced, demographics, the indigenous are multiplying, there are no longer boats arriving with the huddled White masses who were resented when they arrived without papers into NY harbor at the beginning of the last century. People who resent this actuality feel threatened, and see Trump’s racism as their chance maintain a place in America. They will show up.
Latinos from Cuba, Venezuela, Central and South America, the rich who left and found a home in Florida, fear Socialism, not autocracy, they have less history of democratic governments than Americans. They will show up.
The loyal opposition, the Democrats, have an established corporate wing that runs the party, the Democratic National Committee, the DNC, the fundraising arm of the party, the Progressive wing, are step children. Establishment DNC people, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, are old leaders. The Democratic party is split, will their young voters show up? They may not.
The actuality of the democratic crisis in the country is here now. Democracy only works where it is respected. Election deniers are a symptom of this American uncivil war unfolding November 8.
This is the only major industrial country that does not have universal pre school and universal health care. Defense spending gets funded first, the real priority, and it’s bipartisan. A higher education is more expensive here than anywhere.
Who will show up?