Very odd, voting for a man who tried to overturn a republic and install himself as President. Trump’s trippers are against the deep state, which means the system of government that has evolved in the United States, the best government that money can by, and replace it with an autocrat, a man who inherited his fortune and has never worked a day in his life.
Trump is a self serving individual who tells the faithful that he stands between them and the deep state, the Establishment, his present theme, replacing his rigged election theme to overturn the fairest American election in recent times, which is why he lost. He was the incumbent, and they rarely lose.
The present system funds an invisible empire that both parties support, symbolized by where the money goes, the military budget, the security state budget. Why does the country need anything but a homeland security budget, the doctrine of world dominance. The recent budget cuts were on spending on social programs for the poor in a country where 140 million live paycheck to paycheck, and almost 40 million live below the poverty line.
The Southern border is not open, and the undocumented issue is a bipartisan lack of action for at least 20 years. Enforcing employment laws by the states and the Federal government is not that difficult. A right to work verification system is not enforced in this country. Employers are allowed to cheat, and pay people less than a living wage, which keeps wages low.
The government is run by rich people because of the vast sums of money required to run for public office. It is a system by design. Trump’s trippers are a product of an unequal system, which is the best government money can buy.