Harley Creel
1 min readNov 21, 2020


Trump’s Coup

It has hit some snags. Trump nation doesn’t believe in democracy, it believes in Trumpism. These people have been known to, in the hospital, dying with Covid 19, deny its existence because it, the virus, is a hoax.

If Trump were not incompetent, a profoundly flawed corrupt bungler, he would have handled the pandemic like they have in Canada, Europe, South Korea, and he would not have needed the coup to stay in power.

Trump’s coup has shown the craven nature of the present political class, who have bailed out the fat cats and stopped there. The entitled got theirs, the have nots got nothing, they should be used to it by now, and they blame one another, successfully.

You solve the pandemic by accepting its reality, not denying it. You solve the Trump reality, by realizing Trump is not a democrat, and his coup may fail only because of his incompetence. His enablers may save the day for this autocrat, we’ll see.




Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.