Trump’s con works
The herd immunity plan was Trump’s con for the pandemic. He rolled it out with the end of the March lockdown. When the infection rate is over 1 to 1 you have to pause, if you don’t, the cases will continue to rise. The con was sold, the country opened up.
Obama bailed out the economy, remember? Bailed out Wall Street. Trump inherited, and his scam was “drain the swamp”. The con worked. He filled his cabinet with swamp people. Trump gave the rich a two trillion dollar tax break, something like 83% of it went to the fat cats like him. Lowered the corporate tax rate. Trickle down economics. The con worked.
Trump minions think he works for them. His trade war with China bankrupted small farms, and funded the corporate farming industry with billions in subsidies, corporate welfare. The con worked.
Trump inherited his economy just like he inherited his father’s fortune and proceeded to go bankrupt 5 times. He’s into a certain German bank for billions, and has resisted disclosures to New York’s investigation of his taxes. That con worked.
The Democrats deal with a ruthless opportunist, an autocrat, a serial con man. Trump’s pandemic? The con works, the maskless, the partiers, the non social distancing, everywhere. Trump will tell lies as usual that his minions believe, while the country needs to provide millions of Americans a way forward.