Trump wins, he’ll ignore the pandemic
Congratulations. Look forward America, under the surface, lurking, the undercurrent, America’s soul. The electoral college, not the popular vote will determine America’s response to the pandemic. Doctor Fauci, the medical people, science, will have lost the day, to Doctor Atlas and herd immunity, and the uncivil war rolls on, a country divided by a culture war. People voted to ignore the virus when they voted for Trump, and Trump played the race card.
The American people have taken their pandemic fatigue to the polls and said screw it, let it rip. The pandemic affects blacks, the poor, minorities disproportionately, so they are going to have to take care of themselves, wear masks, socially distance. Individuals, communities, are going to have to protect themselves and their loved ones from government indifference to a pandemic?
The exit polls listed the economy as the most important issue, with the pandemic at about 15%. The pandemic has taken root because of Trump’s indifference. China has subdued the virus. Europe is trying to right itself.
America’s soul is defining itself in the light of day, today, count the votes, deal with the consequences, the pandemic is raging, and will not magically disappear, America.