Where would he have been in 2016, while the DNC was massaging the Democrat primaries for Hillary Clinton, their heir apparent for the DNC corporate donor class choice, the Republicans actually let their voters decide, and with fake news covering every move the big baby made, the shoe in got shoed.
The best example this century of the bait and switch were Jeb Bush in Florida and the Supreme Court in DC stopping the vote count in Florida, and having the gaul to call it an equal protection case that the Court agreed would never be brought again, a different angle, reminscent of the Tilden/Hayes election that ended reconstruction and ushered in Jim Crow.
Trump is getting his fake news today, he’s in Scotland successfully acting stupid. The fake news is once again giving the stable genius the spotlight daily. The present VP can only get bad press, 70% of Biden voters do not want him to run for reelection, and 60% of the Republican seditionist base would rather see another “unwoke candidate” to suppress the vote in the general election, and bring about a full blown autocracy, and thank fake news for that, he is still riding the airwaves, gets the most coverage, for acting out his grift daily.