If Trump had national secrets that belong to the government in his possession after 1/20/21, and he said that he’d returned all national secrets in writing, lied about it, and got busted, what the government has to do is keep the Trump Judge Cannon from finding a way to make the evidence seized at Mara Lago inadmissible.
Any document he did not return, think Reality Winner, they threw the book at the women, she hacked her spook bosses, got busted with the catch all Espionage Act of 1917 for releasing to the press info about pro Trump Russian interference in the 2016 election. The act is an air tight go directly to jail card if applied.
Hillary returned the national security stuff on her illegal server. They could have busted her for the mistake. Woodrow Wilson used the act during and after WW1, tried more than 4000 peace protesters and socialists, convicted more than half.
Any document belonging to the executive branch and its spooks that the Teflon Don had after 1/20/21 and not returned, think Reality Winner, she got 5 years 3 months for a secrets hack about the Russians, by the Trump regime in 2018.