The money the relevant powers spend on their proxy wars is why there are so many poor people in the world. Bombing Iran’s consulate and ignoring it is a perfect example of proxy war practices, as is bombing civilians, while all of the principals deny it. The dead will not remember, but their families will live these practices and denials. The dead won’t remember is not comforting, nor are the big lies that maintain these conflicts.
The world has watched the genocide in Gaza, the product of a European colony imposed on the people of Palestine by the United Nations in 1948. A small catastrophe that will not go away, now featuring the destruction of a city state, a total ruin, with more war in sight.
The US and Europe and the proxy war in Ukraine with the Russian Federation is manifesting itself in an ongoing insurrection in the US with a faction in the Republican party sympathetic to the White Nationalist goals of Vladimir Putin and his Russian Federation.
These facts will not be ignored by the times, nor by the people who live them, on a Friday, a report on the warriors and their war zones, where the truth is always the first casualty.