The VP Debate tonight
The ideal of socialism is projected to be the means of production are controlled by the community as a whole. The bloated military budget then seems to be socialism.
The debate tonight will be about socialism and you. In the world we live in, socialism is not bailing out the airlines and corporate America, its socialism is universal health care, or that unprofitable postal service, or anything that the 40% of the country that is now broke , asks for government assistance, like unemployment insurance, health care during a pandemic.
The entire socialism rap is a bogus wire. Public schools, the public library, public services like roads and public transportation, social projects in communities, these aren’t means of production controlled by the community.
The aspects our community, our nation, that border on the control of the means of production, are the stock markets , K Street lobbies, corporate America. The US government in its present manifestation seems to be socialism for the rich, they control the means of production.