It is a shell of a republic today, the Republicans have the votes, and are now hollowing out women’s rights, pushing vote rigging in the states, and conducting a culture war reminiscent of the culture war in Germany in 1933 that brought the Nazis to power: blame the weak, the powerless, the poor for every social ill, practice intolerance, cruelty, and bigotry, particularly selling religious intolerance.
The Democrats do not have the votes. The corporate Republicans, the Trump nation, the reactionaries, have the donkey by the tail, and the donkey stubbornly cries foul, two corporate Democrats remain true to their corporate donors, they vote where their bread is buttered.
The country, the USA, is a corporatocracy run by the shareholder classes, the monied interests. The poor have no representation, can not buy any votes, have no influence in the political process, they stay poor: 11.7% of the American people live in abject poverty, 38,000,000 million.
There is always money for the next war.