Why swoop now? They had a mole, the evidence was still there, one of charges is misappropriation of State secrets, the same charge, Espionage Act of 1918, that Julian Assange is awaiting extradition from a Brit dungeon for the Iraq State secrets leak, his persecution now on Biden’s watch, a free press non issue.
Historically, the Espionage Act is a slam dunk.
What did they want back? What did he take?
They both know why he took the State secrets, but will you and me? History will tell lies as usual. Teflon Don skate’s on this one? He has leverage. He may not be charged. Wilson busted anti war protestors, socialists, in mass.
Is there anything Trump’s trying to hide that they now have? What will they do with it?
These people, on both sides of the issue, are pieces of work, stay tuned. It is an illuminating happenstance.