Here you are America, can you dig it? It only took four years and a pandemic to create the present reality. The country is unable to deal with the pandemic because the regime in power refuses to actually deal with the consequences of its actions, would rather distract. The election winds up in the Supreme Court, count on the fix being in.
Who is this person who threw away Trump ballots and then went and told people about it, so they could search for the ballots, and find them? Why would anybody working at an election toss ballots, particularly Trump ballots and make sure that the information gets to the White House fog machine?
How does the media neglect to mention that it smells like a Roger Stone like “hanging chad” maneuver, somebody working at an election throws ballots away, why would they do that? Sounds like an obvious dirty trick to me, an election worker tossing ballots and then making sure the spin makes it to the White House. The lost and found Trump ballots are the Trump campaign at work, or you would have never heard of the them .