The Supreme Court on Trial?
The Supremes on trial, not a chance. They make the law tacitly, when their job is to interpret the law. It’s an ancient scam like the electoral college, and the indirect election of the president, not by popular vote.
The Supremes have decided that “corporations are people” and “money is speech”. When the First Amendment was written, it was about a secular government, the separation of church and state, this guarantees “religious liberty” not the other way around.
The Second Amendment is about militias and the right to bear arms in one, not own an ak 47 for your personal use. The standing army, to conquer Indian territory, wasn’t formed until 1796. State militias were what made the Civil War possible, states’ rights.
The Constitution doesn’t say anything about health care. Constitution doesn’t say “corporations are people” or “money is speech”. It’s a scam. It works. Why are these people who are capable of such idiocy placed in this position? It’s part of the ancient, elitist scam, the American political system. It’s politics determining reality, in this case, your health care.