a comparison of their relative importance for this Supreme Court. The Chaos plan requires misreading the Second Amendment, ratified in 1789, and the negation of the Fourteenth Amendment, ratified in 1868.
Denying the text of the Fourteenth Amendment will be easily done. Simply say that it applied to the insurrection in 1860, no other application is relevant in these times because it denies a citizen the inherent right to run for office. Ignore it.
The Second Amendment was about militias in 1789, replaced by the standing army in 1796, because they were ill trained and ill led, not equipped to fight the Indian wars.
The Supreme Court’s Chaos plan, which requires no sensible gun laws, has armed the nation, and assault rifles have become the weapon of choice for the massacre craze that has swept America. These kinds of weapons were once illegal, machine guns, since Al Capone and the Chicago Valentine’s day event, now they are everywhere, thanks to the Gun Chaos plan.
Ask yourself, why is the Second Amendment sacred for the majority of the Supreme Court, while the secular government in the First Amendment is ignored, as the 14th Amendment, Section 3, participation in an insurrection leads to disenfrancisement, will probably be by this Court?
An atmosphere of chaos has historically led to autocratic government, the fall of republics.