Surprise, this essentially human services bill, the for the people stuff, will have its share of pork, but it’s people pork, like child care, and affordable college, and relief for the 140 million, pandemically enhanced, poor Americans, and it proposes 3.5 trillion, over ten years, not one, by taxing the donor class, the rich, who rule here.
The clowns in Congress spend 800 billion on the war machine, 98, billion on so called homeland security, every year, deficit spending for corporate socialism, and socialism it is, for the donor class.
Every year, that’s 9 trillion over ten years, deficit spending, on the invisible empire, and Congress passes the endless war fund, bipartisan, they can afford that because they, the political class, work for the donor class. The human services bill, is too expensive, can’t be afforded, but the power trip budget, it’s bipartisan, patriotism, wave a flag stuff, on a Thursday.