It is the season for his treason, said his God ruled, not the Romans, so Pontius Pilate, an odd name, got the glory of putting down an insurrectionist on orders of his government, had the boy crucified on a hill too far away to see the present leveling of a city? Reminiscent of Carthage, the place is being flooded with sea water, the city flattened with US supplied 2000 pound bombs, that kill in a circle of about 300 meters, everything within range exterminated.
People recollect images of Santa now, with his sleigh, not the Prince of Peace taking one for peace on earth, goodwill towards men. Monday is Prince of Peace day, the 25th, no Christian celebrations in Jerusalem, too much death to celebrate.
Mosque day yesterday, Temple day today, Biden and Congress in Church in their respective communities tomorrow. What a human spectacle, the contrast, to a city in ruins like Carthage, Gaza, sown with salt, the Hamas tunnels flooded with sea water, as the world celebrates three religions funding the slaughter, then Jesus on Monday.