In this case both Countries living a hegemony and dominion reality that means the end justifies the means.
Here the end justifies the means can be explored by how the two parties dealt with the last election. DNC operatives funded the insurrectionist opponents in the national primaries, funded their campaigns because they would be easier to beat.
The Republicans have turned to the nulification of the election process, and are involved in an end justifies the means insurrection led by Donald J Trump, symbolized by “stop the steal”.
The US invaded Iraq and flattened the place based on lies. Russia has invaded Ukraine based on lies and is flattening the place.
Both wars were wars of choice. The leaders of both governments during their wars of choice have been convicted by the International Criminal Court, a body that neither government recognizes.
Twenty years ago this week, shock and awe. Now the Russians have created a killing floor.
Spring today, a new season, same old Cold Warriors calling the shots, a world at war. Watch All Quiet On the Western Front, it sends the appropriate message to us all.