The defense department and homeland security cost 900 billion a year that we know about. That’s a yearly expense that is not considered a massive spending bill, passes on a bipartisan basis, corporate welfare, not like the 3.5 trillion dollar public spending bill that is over 10 years, so 350 billion a year for people, versus 900 billion for the war machine, power politics, and hegemony and dominion, the world power trip. The Reconciliation Bill is reported everywhere as a massive spending bill.
The world power trip pursues the interests of the people who rule America, the people who run the advertising, the media, the government.
So power tripping costs over 9 trillion over 10 years, pursuing the power trip agenda, and child care, health care, human values, not the inhuman ones power tripping represents, costs 3.5 trillion, over 10 years, and is reported as a massive spending bill. You want to know who runs America, watch where the money goes.
It is what it is.