Harley Creel
2 min readSep 5, 2024


This is a state of mind imposed on a society by devious forces whose desire has been to sow enough chaos in the society to bring it down, and create an autocracy out of the chaos, and the fear it has produced nationwide. There are 320 or so million people here, and there are more guns here than there are people.

Many states have no gun control. No gun laws. It’s open carry, states like Georgia, of yesterday’s shootings, a fine example of the mentality that has produced this epidemic of violence.

Read the Second Amendment: A well regulated militia, is the subject of the amendment, it being necessary for the security of a free state, the reason for the act, the security of the state, by a form of defense of the state, militias. The right of the people to keep and bear arms was in militias in 1788. They were the country’s army until 1796, and West Point, and the standing army, which was resisted by those who preferred defense by militias, after ratification of the Constitution in 1789.

White men were enrolled in militias until after the civil war in 1865. After 1796, militias were state militias regulated by them, as national guards. Militias fought the Indians, and enforced the institution of slavery.

Nobody ever armed the Indians legally, militias had slave patrols to round up human property, and after the Fugitive Slave Law was passed by the Supreme Court, by the Taney Court in 1850, slave humans were returned to slave states from free ones.

The gun craze is intentional, and it is working. It’s gun anarchy imposed on the country. The Second Amendment is about enrollment in militias, and why they were necessary, not to arm citizens as individuals, but as members of well regulated militias, which weren’t, well regulated or well trained and led, and were replaced by a standing army by Hamilton and Washington in 1796.

In the old West “don’t bring your guns to town” was a common refrain to control lawwlessness and crime and gun anarchy. Machine guns were illegal until this year and the bump stocks decision by the Supreme Court.


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Harley Creel
Harley Creel

Written by Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.

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