The grifter keeps on grifting
Say it ain’t so? 170 million and counting on a bait and switch scam. He was robbed. They stole the election?
What stole the election were all the dead piling up.
The grifter lost the election because the pandemic could not be conned. Fred raised his son to hoodwink the world and he’s done a fine job of bringing out the worst in a nation’s character, the jingoism, the racism, the anti intellectualism based on willful ignorance.
The grifter will keep on grifting, selling his cons to the nation? He will definitely try to keep his cons bringing in the dough ray me. Will he pull it off? How many rubes are there out there?
A counter inauguration may be in the works, as the coup seems to be fading. December 14, 2020, who knows? January 20, 2021, could be quite a show, dueling crowd sizes.