Looks to me, an American citizen, that both American major parties have agreed to spend more than half the Federal Budget on the war machine, etc. Etc. is what is spent on the surveillance state, the total, including servicing the national debt, a product of bipartisan spending on the invisible empire, 800 or so installations in over 130 countries, a Space Corps, and an Africa Corps that gets little press.
Uncle Emile told me when I was 4, I asked him who the government worked for, and he said, “The government, they all work for the same people or they wouldn’t be there.”
Cold all over the country today, another point to ponder, the weather, how is the weather, too crazy for the ruling classes to ignore at this point, the spin is inflation and gas prices, while a war in Europe, that catastrophe, continues.
Remember the Prince of Peace as so called Christians kill one another in Ukraine, defining the human condition this Christmas.