Brought you Hillary Clinton, whose super delegate scam brought America Donald Trump. The DNC rigged the 2016 primaries. Bernie Saunders would have beaten Donald Trump? Who knows. He was the popular candidate. Trump lost the popular vote to an unpopular candidate, and the die was cast.
Now the DNC is telling candidates to focus on abortion because it is a winning issue. The candidates in both parties have to listen to the party if they want party funds. The economy and crime are what the campaign has come to be about, so the Republicans focus on the economy and crime. They have no solutions, and have made the focus on the inaction in Congress that has been their plan since Barack Obama, get nothing done, blame the Democrats.
The DNC is a conservative group of the party establishment, the influence peddling and patronage crowd that make up the bulk of the Congress in both parties.
The end does not justify the means. Funding the election deniers because they looked easier to beat in the general election is a lot like the super delegate scam in 2016, that brought an unpopular candidate.
Biden won in 2020 because of Trump fatigue and the Pandemic, which Biden did a fine job dealing with. He is not a popular candidate, he is an old Cold Warrior. He got the nomination because of the black vote in the primaries down South. It is rare for Democrats to even place in Jim Crow land in a general election like next month’s. The Democrats won the Senate races in Georgia because Trump told his people to stay home.
The issues of note are crime and the border and inflation and the economy. Talk about your solutions for these things Republicans, and Democrats. The economy isn’t bad, and crime is not mitigated by not having any national gun control to control gun crime. I can buy an assault rifle in Texas, head anywhere, can’t I, as long as I’m 18. Load my car up with automatics, go to Chicago, sell some guns to the bros.
A red wave of election deniers who will fix inflation, the economy, by simply not being the Democrats, they have no solutions that they talk about, and don’t seem to need any but repeating that the Dems are soft on crime and it’s the economy stupid, endlessly. They will say the 2020 election was stolen, Trump should be President, immigration is a Democrat problem, not a bipartisan one in a gridlocked Congress. The hedge fund fat cats got their bonuses, the child tax credit that lifted millions of children out of poverty last year did not.