We should find out if politics, the old what’s in it for me game, calls the shots as usual. Its easy to be cruel if you don’t care, and the US Congress is run by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, who was re elected in the rigged election that he won’t recognize because denying it is in his best interests, because his party thrives on chaos.
Four years of chaos by a neo fascist narcissist, now this, cruelty in Congress. Why?
The clique that now calls the shots, Trump, McConnell, the neocons, they are trying to hold on to power by creating chaos that they can blame on the other party. Hitler did it to the Weimar Republic, and McConnell and the neocons intend to let the poor starve, the state and local governments fail, chaos, for the next couple of years, if they can hang on to the Senate.
This is what these patriots plan if their coup fails. Can you dig it?