The consequences of “the hoax”
Look around at the consequences of this big lie, the hoax, it will just fade away, this pandemic. Since it wasn’t a hoax and those perpetuating this “big lie” knew it wasn’t a hoax, the sick and dying, are piling up in the red states, blue states, because of the success of this big lie.
The hoax plan cost a demagogue the Presidency and he knows that. His response, tell another big lie, the election was rigged. It is surreal that people still believe the con, but they believe it as a party line, their political correctness, the election was rigged, they know it wasn’t rigged, can’t admit the truth, their belief in the demagogue runs deep.
The other demagogue I can think of that got real traction was George Wallace and “segregation forever”.
Recognizing that the hoax wasn’t a hoax, how hard is that really going to be? The economy in ruins, the have nots are desperate, the haves are going to deal with the desperation of the vast number of have nots who the hoax has made desperate.
The success of a big lie, “the hoax” has brought the country where it is today.