Denial is getting more difficult about the climate catastrophe because of the profound consequences of the weather related disasters world wide, here, there and everywhere.
The people who rule will face the wrath of the masses eventually, because there is no way out, mitigation, is all that humans have left.
It is nauseating that the world’s war machines are funded first, last and always, when the resources should be spent mitigating the climate crises.
What a dumb mindset, rulers power tripping in the face of existential crises, nuclear war, and the unavoidable climate catastrophe the world is in now.
Stopping the war is a smart human move. That can be done. Spend the money on climate mitigation, humans. The climate catastrophe is upon us, and can only be mitigated. With human effort, there is still hope for the human race.
The weather is getting so bad so fast that war may have to take a back seat to climate catastrophe.