The cabal and a free press
What cabal?
The one that has locked up Julian Assange and thrown away the key. He was an on line publisher who published abroad, is an Australian, who published the Manning material in 2010.
That cabal.
The man got cabal justice: he was just denied bail because he is a flight risk. He is an example of hubris, broken. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, for publishing dirt on the cabal that invaded Iraq for other reasons, they knew there were no WMD’s
There are no new charges for Assange. The Brits are holding him for the Americans. Why a freedom of the press issue gets so little press here, that’s Assange’s message, you tell truth to power, you suffer the consequences, they lock you up for being a flight risk and throw away the key.
It’s educational, the lesson, you mess with the man, you know what you can do with your First Amendment.