The open burn pits in Iraq, Afghanistan, and wherever, the people responsible for the creation of the burn pits, the burn pit creators, have to have been officials in the Pentagon.
Why are these people not in big trouble?
The Pentagon’s burn pits, contaminating the locals, wherever, and the coalition’s soldiers and civilians, how and by whom were these practices authorized? Why would anybody consider the burn pit program a good idea?
The burn pits do describe a lack of concern for human life and the environment. It is odd that the burn pit tragedy is an oh well, Congress will fund the burn pit victim veterans, sick and dying, this week.
Where the burn pits were, what about those people? The people of Iraq and Afghanistan, and wherever else, what about the health and welfare of these people?
The Pentagon shot callers are responsible for these burn pits, and their consequences. Will they face any consequences for their actions?