Its like the emperor’s new clothes, it is there, expensive, always more expensive, the bloated invisible empire that the rest of the world sees and lives with.
What these people, the runners of the bloated empire, have done is bankrupt the country with their world wide military adventures. It has never been my life goal to tell the Cubans, or the Vietnamese, or the Russians, what their governments should be.
How old is the corporate capitalism that really runs the military industrial complex here? The Civil War and the war between the States was won by the military industrial complex. WW1 created the modern military industrial complexes, fine tuned by WW2.
The bloated invisible empire gets its budget first, last, and always. Look at the way they dress the generals and the big admirals, covered with medals, rather ostintatious, only the silly big hats are missing.
Balance the budget by cutting back on the war machine. Find peace in Ukraine, and here, there’s an insurrection in progress, that has to be resolved with equal justice for all, including Donald J Trump.
Tuesday, and there’s a reckoning in progress for the American dream. Look at what they’ve done to the Post Office, the country’s original and only public service, wasn’t designed to make a profit, it was designed to be a non profit enterprise, like health care in other countries.