Harley Creel
1 min readMay 16, 2022



Assault rifles, capable of killing 10 people in a minute and a half, are a valuable asset to the Trump insurrection, which is progressing nicely. The social chaos of the insurrection, Trump’s dog whistle base, Trump nation, the seditionists in the GOP, have blamed the rubes, the Democrats , who still want to run the government that was, the one before the insurrection of 2020. The Democrats don’t have the votes to call the shots. The incumbent has refused to accept his defeat by the DNC old guardsman, Joe Biden. Trump is still selling the election was stolen.

The Republican Party has settled on Trumpism, on arming its masses of White nationalist supporters with assault rifles, and selling freedom from government regulation, like getting vaccinated or wearing a mask during a pandemic that has killed 1,000,000, here, thank you GOP, thank you, Trump.

The Second Amendment to the US Constitution was about joining militias to bear arms in the Indian wars, and to control the country’s slaves, in 1788. The country has had gun laws until the Republican assault rifle renaissance that fostered the recent militia movements that, armed with assault rifles, have protested at state houses.

The open carry laws passed in the Republican states are symptoms of this gun craze madness, and portend an armed insurrection? Mass murderers are a product of the easy access to weapons of mass destruction, assault rifles. Creating an atmosphere of dystopia and chaos are the heart and soul of this present insurrection.



Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.