Harley Creel
Jul 25, 2022



I have my ideas about what’s up with that, a publisher railroaded by the Department of Justice.

Obama had Assange in a rail yard, Trump put him back on the main line. Biden’s establishment Department of Justice, has Assange’s railroading is due here when it can be arranged by the D of J, 170 years for espionage, the Alien and Sedition Act, WW1.

Trump? The D of J has plenty of practice railroading, Trump could be on the main line headed for the end of the line, one legal contingency after another engineered by professionals with plenty of practice. The man wants you, good luck with that, ask Assange.

They could put Trump on their need to convict list that Assange is on. He spoke truth to power and must be punished. Trump is power. Nobody remembers Assange, First Amendment, Press freedom issue, his persecution.




Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.