It appears to me that the 14th Amendment will be found to be not self executable by the Court, and Congress will not enforce it.
The Second Amendment, which was about joining militias in 1789, is now about an armed populace, says the present Court’s interpretation, which requires ignoring the subject, militias, which were replaced by a standing army in 1796, for the Indian Wars, and making a dependent clause the subject, “ the right to bear arms will not be infringed”.
Those in doubt can read the texts of the Amendments, 14 and 2. Are they now interpreted as written?
What’s the point? The Constitution isn’t what it says, it’s what a partisan group of lawyers, appointed functionaries, says it is. If the 14th Amendment has no enforcement mechanism, it’s up to Congress to execute the Act.
Trump will not be disqualified by the 14th Amendment because, blah blah blah, let’s just go with that.