Saudi Arabia is where the two big Moslem shrines are. Iran has shrines to Shiia religious figures, holy sites, but there has been a schism between the two groups since Mohammed died. Mohammed’s family supporters Sunni, 85% of Islam, 10–15% Shiite.
My information is that Sunnis and Shiites have not been on the same page since then.
Hesbollah is a Shiite group, religiously affiliated with Iran. Hamas is a Sunni group, religiously affiliated with Saudi Arabia.
They may be on the same page today as the US Foreign Policy wonks are saying. Historians call it the “Sunni-Shiia” divide. It’s been front page news in Islam since 632, when Mohammed died. Shiias went with Ali as Mohammed’s successor, Sunnis went with Mohammed’s family. The Kings of Morroco and Jordan are Mohammed decendants, supposedly.