The media here is selling aristocrats of the British ilk. Think all people are equal, some people are more equal, like the pigs in Animal Farm, The Royals are being sold like those pigs in that novel sold themselves.
Because of who they were born, some people are born special wore out its welcome here in 1776, in this Republic there is no titled aristocracy.
Class, which is economics, means money talks, wealth and great wealth inherited, has led to a hierarchy of means in the USA, the haves and have nots are equal in name only, and here we are, aristocrat watching, watching hereditary wealth participate, as the the British public participates, in a rich old woman’s funeral, as her “subjects”.
We kicked that can, “subjects”, down the road in 1776. Now we have billionaires, thanks to the plutocracy that governs, the rule by the rich, they run the place because of the vast sums required to run for any office of consequence.
A good committee assignment in Congress depends on how much money you have raised for the GOP or DNC. At least we’re not “subjects”, like the Brits, we are citizens, both haves and have nots, and your race and class define the quality of your citizenship.