as special does. All of the political class not in Trump nation are intimidated by this thug. He does not play by their established rules, he has his own rules, whatever he wants to do is cool. In his mind, he is still President, he is the shot caller.
Biden is a DNC Establishment politician whose administration has accepted the corporate media’s mantra of how unprecedented it is, charging a former President for crimes he committed. Not giving up State secrets he’d bagged, for his reasons, State secrets that had been taken to Florida and not returned by the former President, was a criminal act.
The draconian Espionage Act of 1917, is a “go directly to jail card,” if Trump is not special, and gets charged for bagging the State secrets and keeping them, and refusing to give them back, after his term ended on 1/20/22. This fact does not seem to be part of the public discourse.
Trump is special, and this case is unprecedented. What happens with this seditionist former President, a private citizen, will define the future of this Republic. On a Friday, as the beat goes on, is Trump above the law? If he walks, his revenge will rock the Casbah.