Trading people for guns, and colonialism, created slave producing societies in Africa.
1788, they, patriarchs, white men, mostly slave owners in the South, came up with the Second amendment, put it in a bill of rights, about bearing arms in a militia, and the right to have arms, as individuals, which individuals?
They did not arm the slaves, who were property, not equal to them. I don’t see the colonists arming their slaves as a practice that would enjoy wide support, unless during Indian attacks.
1789, the standing army, Washington and Hamilton wanted a manifest destiny army to take Indian territory, as much as they could get. They had problems with militias, which they dealt with, militias became a rebellion problem.
Today, the people deciding gun rights, the high court majority, have lost touch with the tragedy of their self serving political reality, a gun culture has manifested in society needless death, a society gone gun mad, led by so called legal scholars, it is a certain madness.