And a fine example is what’s up with the Supreme Court. Rich people have an outsized influence on that body, whether the Justice is R or D, the jig is up for court impartiality, the justice is blind ideal, an anacronism, money talks for the Supremes.
Plutocrats, the billionaire class, they rule here. How do you know? They watch while other people pay taxes. They park their money in tax havens, some American states, like Wyoming, are filthy with rich people with 7, 8, 9 figure homes, the Trump class people, like Trump, who paid $700 in Fed Taxes several years in row, and didn’t get audited, while he was the el presidente, keeping the hordes of illegals at bay with “his conceptual thinking, ” build a wall.
If you want to know who runs the country, ask one of the thousands of corporate lobby groups why Congress people spend their time talking to them, not their constituents. The fat cats are their constituents, the people who run the country.
The price to run for the Senate, a Governorship, 100 million or so, the House of Representatives, 10 or 20 million, for the best government that money can buy.