They all practice the same policies, Islamic Sunni states, so its hypocritical to demonize the Taliban for the same policies practiced, for example, by the American ally, Saudi Arabia, limited women’s rights.
The hue and cry about women’s rights in Afghanistan ignores the fact that the policies of Saudi Arabia toward women is same deal, and the silence here in the political class is what it is.
It is noteworthy that the US looks the other way particularly when it comes to Saudi Arabia, a feudal monarchy run by similar religious fanatics from the Sunni branch of Islam, that treats women as defined by their interpretation of Sharia law, which means limited human rights.
The US has armed Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, it’s holy war with the Shiites, supported by the US, against Iran. Women have more rights in Iran than any of the Gulf States, all American allies, and Saudi Arabia, and women don’t have equal rights their either.
Women should have equal rights. The US talks a good game. The reality of US policy is selective, and based on power politics, not human rights.