Sanders vs The billionaires
Bernie’s got a bill in the Senate today, I heard it on the grape vine, 478 or so billionaires have doubled their relative billions since March, Bezos and the Facebook guy, etc., cleaning up, John Q Public just lost his 600 a week. Bernie’s tax on the billionaires’ largess would amount to 60% of their excess profits since March, could raise hundreds of billions to pay for the cost of the pandemic which has caused these fat cats to get twice as fat.
Of course this will go nowhere, fast.
It’s laughable really, thinking that Bernie’s bill will go anywhere. He knows it’s going nowhere. He’s making a point. Do you get it?
We’re in an era of economic dislocation and the rich do what they always do, consolidate their wealth. John Q Public has no influence in the corridors of power. The fat cats have made hundreds of billions since March and they’ll keep it. Bernie’s bill, his wake up call to a perpetually distracted electorate.