Harley Creel
1 min readAug 30, 2020


Re electing a Crazy Person

Trump’s narcissism, fully on display daily, makes him unable to make objective decisions, it’s always all about him and his enemies out to thwart the great man. Look what he’s done for the country in the past 6 months, there’s a pandemic he’s trying to ignore because it doesn’t suit his narrative, his toxic positivity.

Trump’s narcissism is a serious problem for the country going forward if by hook or by crook the crazy person is re elected. Nero wasn’t elected, nor George the Third. Napoleon, another narcissist, took France to the edge of destruction, and Trump has managed to manifest the kind of unrest the country is dealing with, while at the same time blaming the party out of power for the situation of his making, he is after all, in charge.

It is a truth that his con has blamed the party out of power for the country’s present state which is quite a trick. Trump’s crazy, but crazy like a fox, desperate, ruthless, and oddly effective, that’s his genius.




Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.