The corporate world controls the markets, and the inflation has been caused by pandemic price gouging.
People trust the Republicans to fix this, the party of corporate greed, more than the Democrats, who seem ineffective.
Both parties are run by the people who run the markets, the financial crowd, Wall Street, the big banks, the oil cartels, the military industrial complex, which now has a new war.
Expecting the Republican Party to do something about price gouging in the markets, how ridiculous is that?
Biden got elected to fix the pandemic and tax the rich. He has not taxed the rich. Why? The rich don’t want to be taxed, and Biden is 2 votes short in the Senate to pass legislation that does not require Republican support.
Republicans gave the rich a tax windfall in 2017, the Trump tax cut. The Republicans, because they can, have stopped any Biden regime attempt to tax the rich, who fund both parties.
Tax the rich, end the price gouging, is not happening. Fund the war is, corporate welfare for human suffering on both sides, military madness in Ukraine.