Harley Creel
1 min readMay 12, 2022



If they can fund a war with bipartisanship that will falter quickly, they, the political class, the rulers in Congress, could pass price controls on big energy and big commerce. The Republican plan on inflation is to cut taxes and have a strong military. Who is going to pay for the strong military if taxes are reduced, programs unrelated to a strong national defense, social programs.

The Democrats don’t have the votes to do anything but squeak.

The insurrection is progressing nicely, the war, and inflation, the climate, and geopolitical migrants at the border, all campaign fodder for the get nothing done but cancel women’s equal rights, and blame the inflation , the border crises, on a Democratic party that does not have the votes.

Women will vote their self interest, equal rights, in November, or embrace a religious zealot patriarchy.

If the government worked, price controls on price gouging would do a lot to bring down inflation and rein in corporate price gouging, particularly by the energy cartel.

Tax excess corporate profits, rein in the price gouging.




Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.