President conquers Covid 19
A man of privilege, living in a white house, gets the corona virus, and he goes, immediately, to a fine hospital, gets the finest care, and medical science has apparently saved his life; it had been touch and go? Never, the great man rose above, conquered the virus like the almost 8 million cases here to date, unlike the two hundred and ten THOUSAND and rising who did not have his world of privilege as their reality.
This reality, the real one, escapes him. It always has. He was born with that silver spoon in his mouth and inherited a fortune and squandered it. What he has left, he doesn’t pay taxes on, and he’s more than 400 million in the hole.
The salute in front of his digs took the cake. Jacked up on steroids like yesterday’s football players, he grins, and salutes himself, ignoring the dead that continue to pile up, the President of the United States.
The President conquered Covid 19? It’s Tuesday. Could be a long week for the stable genius, we’ll see, and so will he.