A plutocracy is not a government by people from Pluto. You probably knew that. It’s a government run by an elite, people whose power is derived from wealth. What does it cost to run for President, Congress, a Senate seat, a State office of any consequence?
People like Warren and Sanders are not taking money from the big corporate interests that have historically run both parties. Taking money from vested interests that have the rights of people, but are not, corporations, the big banks, the super rich, have run the government, both Republicans and Democrats since FDR, and his New Deal, which was on the way out by 1936.
The Supreme Court tried to make New Deal programs unconstitutional, and largely succeeded. That’s why you have for profit health care and the miltary industrial complex, which is socialism, government control of the means of production, national socialism, as are the government’s subsidies for big oil, the mining industries, coal.
People vote against their economic interests for other reasons, that’s why the 2d Amendment spin, the right to life movement, the God in government spin, those other reasons.
These people and the White Nationalists, segregationists, nativists, will vote for Trump. That Trump cares nothing about them but their vote, rails about China, screws the small farmers here with his tariffs on their produce, not agribusiness, he covered them, because his goal is to protect the intellectual property of corporate America, his people can’t see that he’s disingenuous to the max, that a con man doesn’t respect the mark
Egalitarian societies are the happiest, places where everybody has a fair chance at success, not the rule of a wealthy elite, which is more and more the picture here. Getting out the vote in the Red States is everything for those who see the plutocracy as here now. Trump is a plutocrat and is defying the Constitution, seemingly successfully. If they’re with Trump, I don’t see any moderates left, capice? Trump doesn’t believe in climate change, are there moderates on climate change?