They came together. The hoax made its way through a culpable part of society, now anti vaccine rallies to follow Trump rallies, simple denial of scientific realities, magical thinking prevails, Trump’s toxic positivity, pandemic hysteria, simple pandemic denial, found a home in the USA.
Trump’s pathological personality has taken root in exceptional America, cops, public servants, won’t get vaccinated, people who enforce the law daily, defying public health mandates for personal reasons, what’s up with that?
Trump is a pathological liar, is happy there in his reality, where the election he tried to fix and lost, remains his false narrative, accepted by his Trump nation. But for the pandemic, America would be into the second term of Trump nation. The hoax cost Trump the election. His adventures with lies may win him the next one, in spite of the hundreds of thousands of dead fostered by his hoax rap, this pathological personality, it is bizarre that his con still sells.