They won, the ISI, the people who had Osama stashed until they dropped a dime on their ally in the power struggle with the invading crusaders, the infidels, Pakistan’s ISI, their CIA, which runs the country, along with the military.
Now they are stuck with what they have created, it is their baby now, and they do have nukes, with India and China being the local losers, both with Sunni fundamentalist jihadist problems manifesting.
Smartest thing done was leaving by the crusaders, the real reasons why the US and Bush and Cheney and the Pentagon decided to invade this graveyard of empires eludes me.
The crusaders knew what Pakistan was up to, the support and safe havens for the Taliban and other Sunni zealots. Now the survey of the ruins and the blame game. Bush and Cheney won’t come up, forgotten from the convenient public memory, blame Biden, rig the next elections, bring back the oligarchy, which never really left, only major country in the pandemic without universal health care, unable to tax its billionaires, its donor class, now rigged elections are back, it is the American way, on a Thursday, suicide bombers at the Kabul airport.