Harley Creel
1 min read3 days ago


The Presidential debates? Trump is not attached to reality. His performance showed last night that he can be not attached to reality for 90 minutes with remarkable stamina.

Joe Biden showed up, and showed up too old. The Republicans are unlikely to accept the reality that their candidate lives in an alternate reality. Biden is too old, he has good days and bad days. He may be in denial.

FDR was elected by the Democratic Party from an open convention in 1932. There are other candidates available for the Democratic Convention in August. Joe can drop out of the race for the good of the country, be a patriot, release his delegates.

Today it seems more than likely that Trump, a despot in training, with an engaged cult of millions of people, wins.

America isn’t ready for prime time with these two guys. The world is watching. Will either of these two ruling factions see the debate last night for what it is, a wake up call for the Nation?

Russia and China joyfully watched these two examples of American presidential candidates. So did the rest of the planet.
